Altoona Wedding Photographer – the second shooters

If I photograph your wedding this year, most likely you will meet one of my two amazing second shooters.  I am planning on writing a post about each of them.  I’ll begin with Sarah…

Sarah Garber that is.  Yes, she’s related.  She’s one of my four incredible sister-in-laws.  I first met the then seven-year-old Sarah when she came to visit her big brother at my college.  She hid behind her mother’s legs peaking out often enough that I remember her sweet smile even then.

Sarah is laughter and joy and gentleness all rolled into one.

She’s also the buffest gal I know – like the I-can-do-twenty-pull-ups type of buff.

Sarah’s an artist.  My in-laws home is lined with her water colors and pastels.

She loves children, dancing in the rain, and composing songs on the piano (but not playing said songs in front of a crowd.)

The best part about working with Sarah is that I get massive amounts of time making memories with one of my favorite people.  I cherish this summer and one of the main reasons is because of my smiling, sororal second shooter.

Here’s Sarah, the second shooter…

And here’s Aunt Sarah…

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