Ode to a rollercoaster – State College, PA wedding photographer

“Did you hear me scream?”

“Yes!”  replied my smiling family members.

“Was it loud?” I asked.


“Did the whole amusement park hear it?”


The picture below was captured by my sister-in-law moments after Matt and I finished riding The Hurricane, my first roller coaster ride this century.  I can still feel the thrill of the moment.  I still slightly blush when I realize just how much I screamed.

Oh, roller coasters, may we rendezvous again.  May it not take another decade till I feel the wind rushing around me while 50 feet midair.  May we meet again.  And soon.

The vacation consisted of myself, Matt, our 4 kids, my parents, my Nanna, and my brother and sister-in-law and their 2 kids (and one on the way : )

Feeding all of the little people was somewhat of an assembly line.

And we had 4 strollers and a wheel chair to boot.

The location- Ocean City, NJ.

My little Daniella was so incredibly brave.  She rode all of the biggest rides.  And with a huge grin the entire time.

Anya and her cousin are the best of friends.

Papa (my dad) is a toddler magnet!

Fun times!!!

This is my little niece, Charlotte.  I laid down to take her picture and she followed suit.

We rented a tandem bicycle and a surrey one day.

The kids LOVED it!!!

Stephanie - September 23, 2010 - 7:33 am

i. LOVE. this. :) miss you.

Christina Garber - September 23, 2010 - 10:37 am

Thanks, Steph! I know you can relate to all of the little kids lined up in a row : ) Miss you too!

Elizabeth - September 23, 2010 - 7:30 pm

SWEEEET!!! I love love love these pictures!!

Melissa - September 23, 2010 - 9:46 pm

Thanks so much for sharing these! :) The pics of you and Matt take me back to GCC days. You laughing hard and him looking happy that he made you laugh :) Daya looks so grown up too and the pic of Nanna is amazing… oh and Charlotte dancing! LOVE YOU and your fam too!

Katie - February 27, 2011 - 9:10 pm

I LOVE the picture of Daniella sitting in the roller coaster between Brandon and Matt… she’s looking off to the side, kind of like, okay, whaddya got? And also of Anya and Matt on the tandem bike… Anya looks like she’s got a secret, maybe she’ll speed away!

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